Haderlein and Kouyoumdjian LLP

Wage Theft

California has strict laws that protect workers rights to fair pay, meal and rest breaks, overtime pay, unpaid wages, and other wage and hour issues. The litigators at Haderlein and Kouyoumdjian LLP are experienced all forms of wage and hour claims as well as large class actions defending thousands of workers.

If you feel like your employer has engaged in any of the following, please get into contact with us for a free consultation today:

  • If you were not paid for hours where you worked
  • If you were required to clock out and continue to work
  • If you were not paid overtime
  • If you were not provided time or compensation for meal or rest breaks
  • If you did not receive any promised pay or other benefits such as bonuses, vacation, or expense reimbursement
  • If you have been denied tips
  • If your pay has been delayed
  • If you have been classified as an “Independent Contractor” rather than an employee

Free Consultation:

If you feel like your rights have been violated in any of the ways described here, please reach
out to Haderlein and Kouyoumdjian LLP for a free consultation.

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