Haderlein and Kouyoumdjian LLP

Consumer Protection

Consumer protections lawsuits can arise from a variety of corporate misdeeds.

Common lawsuits defend consumers against:

False Advertising

Consumers are legally protected against deceptive or untrue statements regarding a product or service, whether in the form of greenwashing (misleading claims as to a product’s sustainability), overstatements of product features, or deceptive approaches to subscriptions and pricing.

Unfair Debt Collection Practices

Consumers are also protected against deceptive and/abusive approaches to debt collection, whether in the form of harassment, outsized pressure to pay, misstatement of the size or urgency or a debt, and more.

Billing and Subscriptions Fraud

Consumers have a legal right to defend themselves gainst unfair and deceptive billing practices, including auto-renewal charges, misleading subscription services, deceptively bundled subscriptions, and the charging of hidden fees,

Banking and Financial Institutions Fraud

Consumers are legally protected against hidden charges, overcharges, and any other improper fees levied by a bank or other financial institution.

Consumer protection is often most cost-effective as a class action. WIth the strength in numbers of a class of affected people, an individual can receive the resources and attention necessary to enforce the law and acquire compensation for many if not all of the people affected.

If you think you have been the victim of any of the above, please contact our attorneys for a free consultation.

Free Consultation:

If you feel like your rights have been violated in any of the ways described here, please reach
out to Haderlein and Kouyoumdjian LLP for a free consultation.

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